Galilee Baptist Church has a number of ministries aimed at blessing those inside and outside our local church.
Deacon Ministry
Deacon Ministry are men chosen by the church to assist the Pastor. The deacons are servants of the church. The deacons make a major contribution in strengthening the spiritual ministry of the church. The pastor and deacons meet together regularly to plan and pray concerning the work of the church.
Deaconess Ministry
Deaconess Ministry is an organization comprised of the wives of the deacons or any women who are spiritual filled and would be good servants of the church. They render special services to the church by assisting in designated tasks such as in the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper and attending the candidates for Baptism.
Church School
Church School is our Bible teaching ministry of the church. The textbook is the Holy Bible-the word of God. It consists of Sunday School, Nurture of Baptist Church, Midweek Bible Study, and Vacation Bible School.
Sunday School
Sunday School offers weekly classes on Sunday Morning Beginning a 9:00AM for all ages to help grow in our understanding of God’s Word.
Midweek Bible Study
Midweek Bible Study seeks to lead individuals in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to equip them to follow Him in ministry. Using the Bible as the textbook, study focuses on how to apply God’s Priorities to our daily lives.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School normally held the first week in June offers a week of intense Bible study, fellowship, arts, crafts, and various activities. This week is an opportunity to reach the lost in the community.
Brotherhood & Laymen Ministry
Brotherhood & Laymen Ministry includes men of the church organized into men’s ministry missionary movement and in men fellowship. They lead in the study and promotion of missions and stewardship
Culinary Ministry
Culinary Ministry is responsible for preparing and planning dinners and /or refreshments for all church sponsored events. The ministry leader recruits workers from the membership as the occasion demands.
Hospitality Ministry
Hospitality Ministry is the face of the Body of Christ to those God sends our way. The purpose of the Hospitality Ministry is to offer the love of Christ to our guests and welcome them in such a way that they would be transformed from strangers into friends.
Music Ministry
Music Ministry includes all of the choirs and musical aggregations of the church. The ministry is under the Director of Music who plans and outlines its services, activities, and rehearsals. This ministry is made up of a graded system of choirs with musicians who furnish a musical portion of all the worship services of the church. Its musicians are responsible for furnishing music for the services in the music ministries.
Usher Ministry
Usher Ministry is a ministry of dedicate persons who have assumed the duty and responsibility of looking after the welfare and comfort of the worshippers in the worship service they serve as worship guides ensuring that comfort and order are maintained throughout the worship service.
Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry is the Women’s Missionary Ministry of the church. The women in this ministry assume the responsibility for a portion of the missionary efforts of the church. They lead in studying God’s Word in the promotion of mission stewardship and sisterhood.
Children’s Church/Youth Ministry
Children’s Church/Youth Ministry enhances the Christian Education of the youth. This ministry provides a variety of activities for youth focusing on discipleship, Christian Values, and service to the Church and Community.
Outreach Ministry
Outreach Ministry shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet; through personal witnessing, and the sharing the Word of God. To provide spiritual, educational, and social events and activities throughout the community that will promote Godly relationships. To equip individuals to serve one another; first within their families, communities, our nation, and throughout the world.
Transportation Ministry
Transportation Ministry supplies reliable and safe transportation to and from worship services and other church related functions as necessary to members and non-members alike who have a desire to attend any services or classes at Galilee Baptist Church.
Couples Ministry
Couples Ministry seeks to help couples understand, God’s sovereign plan for marriage, the roles of spouses within marriage, and the wonderful blessing marriage can be when both spouses are obedient to God’s Word.
Public Relations Ministry
Public Relations Ministry improves the internal and external communications of the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church by raising the church’s profile at the community, the state, and the regional levels. The Ministry serves as the multimedia news and promotions Ministry communicating information to foster a better understanding of the Church and its contributions to the Smith County community.